Every Argument Against Open Paws (And Our Response)

When it comes to ambitious projects like Open Paws, it's important to confront the tough questions head-on. Critics often scrutinize new initiatives to ensure resources are being used wisely, that the strategy aligns with real-world needs, and that the team has the expertise required to deliver results.

This blog post dives into every argument that we’ve either heard or thought about ourselves against Open Paws, addressing concerns about its strategic approach, technical viability, adaptability, and the potential unintended consequences of its AI solutions.

By directly responding to each criticism, we aim to shed light on how our interventions are strategically designed to address the pressing needs of the animal advocacy movement while remaining flexible, transparent, and ethically aligned.

Strategy and Relevance

Expertise and Technical Viability

Community Collaboration and Support

Unintended Consequences

Strategy and Relevance

Can't regular AI tools be adapted to meet the needs of animal advocacy organizations with prompt adjustments, making Open Paws' specialized approach unnecessary and redundant?

While it's true that general AI tools can be modified through prompt adjustments, this solution is often superficial and inadequate for the nuanced demands of animal advocacy organizations. External-facing tools, such as chatbots that interact with the public, require a deeper, more specialized understanding that extends beyond the scope of simple prompt engineering.

Moreover, research indicates that many widely-used AI systems, including ChatGPT, can harbor ingrained speciesist biases due to the nature of their training processes. While prompt adjustments may temporarily mask these biases, they do not eradicate them, resulting in solutions that may perpetuate underlying prejudices against non-human species.

In contrast, Open Paws is pioneering an open-source, animal-centric AI that tackles the issue of speciesism fundamentally—starting from the AI's training data to its final application. Our AI is meticulously designed in collaboration with animal rights experts to reflect a truly non-speciesist approach. It's not just about altering responses on a case-by-case basis; we're about implementing a robust, shared knowledge base that reflects the values of animal advocates worldwide.

Our initiative creates resilient, speciesism-resistant AI systems that contribute to a more ethical and equitable technological future. These are solutions crafted specifically for the needs of the animal advocacy community and are essential for propelling the movement forward—well beyond what prompt adjustments in a regular AI could achieve. Open Paws’ AI doesn't just adapt to compassionate values; it's built from the ground up with them.

Won't animal organizations prefer regular AI tools over specialized ones due to their familiarity and comprehensive tutorials, limiting the adoption of Open Paws' tools?

While regular AI tools may be familiar to many users, including animal advocacy organizations, they often fall short in addressing the fundamental issue of speciesism that is deeply ingrained in most AI systems. Research has shown that models like ChatGPT contain significant biases against non-human animals, which cannot be fully resolved through prompt engineering alone.

Prompt adjustments and custom GPTs may provide temporary workarounds, but they are akin to "placing a band-aid over a much deeper wound." The speciesist biases are learned at a fundamental level during the pre-training and fine-tuning of these models, and addressing them requires a more comprehensive, systematic approach.

This is where Open Paws' specialized, animal-aligned AI models can offer a transformative solution.

By building open-source AI tools that systematically address speciesism at the core, Open Paws can provide animal advocacy organizations with more sustainable, speciesism-resistant solutions that are not easily replicated by general-purpose tools.

Through comprehensive tutorials, collaborative training, and an intuitive user experience, Open Paws aims to make its specialized tools accessible and appealing to a wide range of animal advocacy groups. By embedding these tools into familiar platforms, organizations can seamlessly incorporate Open Paws' features while continuing to use their preferred workflows.

The iterative design process, informed by community feedback and the success of VEG3, ensures that Open Paws' tools directly address the needs of animal advocates. This focus on ease of use, reduced prompt engineering complexity, and streamlined deployment positions Open Paws as a transformative solution that can help make animal exploitation obsolete.

Isn't training an anti-speciesist AI model too expensive and risky, especially given the rapid pace of change in AI? Does Open Paws have a realistic strategy to update its models as the AI landscape evolves, or will it quickly become outdated like other niche technologies?

It is certainly valid to question the sustainability of training an AI model like Open Paws’, especially with the AI field advancing so rapidly. True, development can be costly, but Open Paws’ strategy is designed to be both economical and dynamic.

We're refining, not reinventing, the wheel by adapting existing AI models like LLaMA 3. This retraining, what the industry calls “rewarming,” is informed by efficient methodologies from leading research, such as that detailed in the "How to (re)warm your model" paper. It's cost-effective and keeps us at the forefront without the exorbitant expense of building new models from the ground up.

Monetary concerns are further alleviated by our access to substantial free cloud computing resources. But it’s not just about having these credits; it's also about utilizing them smartly. We strive to apply the latest insights on efficient training to maximize every ounce of these resources, which we detail further in our comprehensive literature review.

Furthermore, our modular architecture, focusing on individual tasks like retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) for up-to-date information, automated speciesism detection to identify and reduce bias, and predictive analytics for advocacy strategy effectiveness, ensures models are always aligned with evolving needs. These AI models can be used as stand alone tools or in conjunction with existing third party AI models, and we can also use them to cost effectively continue refining any future AI models that may be released.

The core of our initial work centres around creating a central database of information relevant to animal advocacy. This database can be used to do everything from grounding the responses of existing AI models in factual information, to providing training data for new AI models, to uncovering new and unseen relationships between different interventions and their effects on animals, to creating wikis and knowledge-bases for the movement, performing deeper analysis for monitoring and evaluation purposes, and much, much more.

This database essentially works the foundational platform that enables countless more interventions that merge AI with animal advocacy. In fact, it’s hard to imagine any interventions in this space that don’t require curating relevant data to begin with, as data is at the very core of how AI systems learn.

So regardless of where the future of AI technology goes, the tools we develop and the datasets we curate will continue to play a vital role in ensuring that future benefits all sentient beings.

How does Open Paws respond to criticism from animal advocates who oppose tech-based approaches and are concerned about AI replacing human advocates?

At Open Paws, we wholeheartedly understand the concerns about technology superseding the uniquely human elements of advocacy. It's important to us to clarify that our AI tools are not devised to replace human advocates, but rather to empower and amplify their efforts. We believe in the irreplaceable value of compassionate activism and the depth of understanding that only humans can bring to the fight against animal exploitation.

Our commitment to animal rights extends to the ethics of our AI development. We diligently align our AI with anti-speciesist values and ethical guidelines, which acts to further the cause without undermining or misrepresenting it. Sophisticated feedback mechanisms ensure that our technology remains attentive to the nuances of real-world advocacy, all under the vigilant supervision of those passionate about animal rights.

To those who feel hesitant, we want to illustrate that Open Paws' AI is a resource designed to be in the hands of advocates as a collaborative partner. It serves to minimize repetitive tasks, optimize campaign strategies, and provide insights that can bolster the compassionate work being done. Rather than a competitor, Open Paws' AI should be viewed as a supportive ally in the shared mission for a more humane world.

Will Open Paws' focus on AI cause it to overlook other impactful technologies that could complement animal advocacy efforts more effectively?

Open Paws recognizes the potential of complementary technologies like virtual reality (VR), brain-computer interfaces (BCI), and blockchain to enhance animal advocacy efforts. Our literature review highlights how these technologies can create immersive educational experiences, enable collaborative training, and amplify the impact of AI-driven advocacy tools. We actively research the cutting-edge of technology to ensure the AI systems we build work with new and emerging technologies.

However, we maintain a clear focus on developing specialized AI solutions tailored to the unique challenges faced by animal advocacy organizations. By leveraging partnerships and existing resources, such as databases already used in advocacy work, we ensure that our efforts remain targeted and complementary to other impactful technologies without spreading ourselves too thin or creating redundancy.

This targeted approach allows us to excel in our core mission of creating powerful AI tools for animal advocacy while relying on strategic collaborations to integrate complementary technologies that further amplify our impact. We continuously assess emerging technologies and seek opportunities to incorporate them into our work, guided by our commitment to maximizing our effectiveness in advancing animal rights.

Isn't Open Paws trying to be a "jack of all trades," risking spreading itself too thin and failing to excel in any single area?

Open Paws is resolutely concentrated on its mission: developing high-impact AI solutions specifically tailored for the unique needs of animal advocacy organizations. Our keen focus on AI allows us to dive deeply into the intricacies of the technology and emerge with innovations that are both powerful and practical for activists on the ground.

Rather than attempting to master all forms of technology, we harness our expertise to create AI tools that are transformative when applied to the challenges faced by advocates for non-human animals. We're mindful of the risks of dilution, which is why we concentrate our resources where they can be most effectively utilized.

Our strategy also includes forming strategic partnerships with other entities that excel in their respective areas. This allows us to remain specialized yet interconnected, benefiting from a coalition of expertise without deviating from our core specialization. Through these collaborations, we can embrace complementary technologies in a way that enhances our AI solutions, rather than detracting from them.

The synergy between focused excellence in AI and selective collaboration ensures that Open Paws sustains both depth and breadth in its approach without compromising its ability to deliver specialized and highly effective advocacy tools. Our commitment to remaining at the forefront of AI for animal advocacy positions us to make the greatest possible impact in the movement towards ending animal exploitation

Expertise and Technical Viability

Does Open Paws have the technical expertise required to develop such specialized AI tools, or are its ambitions exceeding the team's skills and knowledge?

The Open Paws team adeptly balances a profound commitment to animal advocacy with rigorous technical expertise to develop specialized AI tools. Our team structure is intentionally designed to combine the in-depth knowledge of seasoned advocates with the innovative prowess of AI technologists.

Our Executive Director, Sam Tucker, brings over 15 years of animal advocacy experience, lending critical insight into the specific challenges and requirements of the movement. His expertise ensures that our technology solutions are deeply grounded in the ethics and objectives of animal advocacy.

Coupled with this advocacy wisdom is the advanced technical expertise of our Chief Technology Officer, Ahn Howell, who contributes over a decade of AI development experience, specifically at the intersection of language and technology.

Maddie Davis, our Head of Communications, with her background in animal advocacy communications, ensures that the messaging conveyed through our AI tools resonates effectively with the movement’s goals.

Eceo Brickle, bringing over 4 years of dedicated cybersecurity expertise to the team, ensures that the integrity and security of our AI tools are never compromised.

Our approach is further amplified by the support of over 100 volunteers, including those with specific technical acumen in machine learning and AI disciplines.

Together, we follow a continuous learning model, incorporating the latest AI research to inform our development process. This places Open Paws at the forefront of innovation, ensuring that our ambitions are not just aspirational but are continually supported and advanced by the evolving landscape of AI technology.

In essence, Open Paws does not just possess the required expertise; we are actively enhancing it to ensure our tools remain at the cutting edge, driving our vision to make animal exploitation obsolete through technological empowerment.

How will Open Paws address potential technical issues like model bias, hallucinations, or overfitting to specific datasets, and what steps will it take to minimize these risks?

Open Paws is deeply conscious of the complexities involved in AI development, including issues like model bias, hallucinations, and overfitting. Taking these challenges seriously, we've adopted a proactive approach to mitigate these risks, backed by the latest AI research.

To counteract model bias, our models will be trained using diversified data sets. We are spending the next 6 months carefully selecting data to represent a broad spectrum of perspectives, which helps in avoiding skewed outputs. The collection and curation of these datasets are ongoing, fed by our outreach initiatives that draw valuable inputs from a coalition of animal rights advocates, researchers, and community volunteers.

Our technical team employs state-of-the-art training techniques, such as reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF), to fine-tune models in alignment with the ethical values of the advocacy community. These efforts are supported by pre-training processes, a technique that's been proven effective in enhancing model adaptability and accuracy.

To specifically address the concern of hallucinations—AI models generating incorrect or nonsensical information—we've integrated retrieval-augmented generation tactics. They help in cross-verifying the generated content against reliable data sources. Additionally, we maintain a robust fact-checking process, ensuring our models' outputs remain valid and factual.

We also emphasize human oversight, integrating it into our workflow. This assures that even the most advanced AI tool is supervised and complemented by human judgment. Open Paws remains ever vigilant, regularly reviewing and updating our methodologies based on the latest scientific insights to ensure our AI tools remain effective and reliable for animal advocacy. Through this vigilant, research-informed, and community-aligned strategy, Open Paws upholds its commitment to the highest standards of AI development for the betterment of animal advocacy and the broader community.

Can Open Paws ensure long-term financial sustainability if cloud credits and donations decline, or will it become financially unstable?

Open Paws is committed to ensuring long-term financial sustainability and has implemented a multi-pronged approach to diversify our funding sources and manage costs effectively.

We actively seek grants from a variety of sources, including foundations and individual donors who share our vision for leveraging AI to advance animal advocacy. This diversification of funding sources helps to mitigate the risk of overreliance on any single source of support.

Our partnerships with cloud computing companies provide critical support in the form of cloud computing credits, which helps to offset the costs of developing and deploying our AI tools. We strategically leverage these credits to maximize their impact and ensure that we can continue our work even if the level of support fluctuates over time.

We also implement cost-saving measures, such as using efficient training techniques like "LoRA," "QLoRA," and model blending, to reduce the computational resources required for model development and deployment. By optimizing our use of resources and minimizing waste, we can stretch our funding further and ensure that we can continue our work even in times of financial uncertainty.

Through this combination of diversified funding, strategic partnerships and cost-saving measures, Open Paws is well-positioned to ensure long-term financial sustainability and continue our mission of creating powerful AI tools for animal advocacy.

How does Open Paws justify the environmental impact of its cloud computing needs and AI training?

Open Paws recognizes the environmental impact of cloud computing and AI training and is committed to minimizing our carbon footprint while advancing our mission of creating powerful tools for animal advocacy.

To achieve this, we select cloud computing regions that rely heavily on carbon-free energy. For instance, the Hamina, Finland (europe-north1) region on Google Cloud has 97% carbon-free energy usage and a grid carbon intensity of 112 gCO2eq/kWh. We previously estimated needing 2,000 GPU hours for training. Using the formula:

Carbon Emissions = Compute Hours x Grid Carbon Intensity x Percentage of Carbon Emitting Energy


  • Compute Hours = 2,000

  • Grid Carbon Intensity = 112 gCO2eq/kWh

  • Percentage of Carbon Emitting Energy = 3% = 0.03

the carbon emissions calculation becomes:

Carbon Emissions = 2,000 x 112 x 0.03 = 6,720 grams = 6.72 kilograms

In comparison, eating just 100 grams of beef emits 15.5 kg of CO2. So, training our LLM on GCP in this region would emit less than half of the emissions of a single beef meal. Hypothetically, if our AI could lead even one individual to eat one less beef meal, the training would become carbon net-negative.

In addition to selecting eco-friendly cloud regions, Open Paws employs efficient training techniques like "LoRA," "QLoRA," and model blending to prune and compress models, reducing the need for extensive retraining while maintaining high performance. Research papers like "ReLoRA" show how these techniques can substantially reduce the environmental impact of AI training.

We also prioritize building AI tools that create a positive environmental impact by reducing the harm caused by animal agriculture. By driving systemic change and reducing animal suffering, our tools aim to create a net positive impact on the environment.

While we acknowledge our environmental footprint, we believe the benefits of our tools for animal advocacy outweigh the costs. We're committed to refining our methods and using sustainable practices to minimize our impact and ensure that our work remains responsible and beneficial for the planet.

Community Collaboration and Support

Are animal organizations actually willing to share the data required to train specialized AI for animal advocacy, or will concerns around data privacy prevent them from collaborating?

Open Paws has conducted a comprehensive survey on AI usage within the animal advocacy community, which validated a high willingness among movement leaders to share data for the development of specialized AI tools. The survey also revealed strong interest in collaboration from prominent organizations. We plan to release the full results of this survey in another blog post soon.

Is Open Paws taking valuable funding and resources away from other animal advocacy initiatives within the movement?

Open Paws is committed to supporting and enhancing the broader animal advocacy movement without diverting resources from it. Our approach is fundamentally collaborative and supportive. We create open-source AI tools and databases that are freely available to all animal advocacy organizations, meaning any group, regardless of size or funding, can access and benefit from advanced technologies without incurring extra costs.

Moreover, we provide a massive, open-source database containing unique data from animal advocacy organizations, serving as a foundational platform that empowers many other projects within the movement. This database supports our own AI tools and offers valuable resources for other organizations to enhance their strategies, understand the relationships between interventions, and measure impact more effectively.

By using AI, organizations can significantly improve their cost-effectiveness. Studies have shown that AI tools can increase productivity by 40-70%, enabling advocacy organizations to achieve more with fewer resources. Our tools, specifically designed for animal advocacy, streamline workflows, reduce the complexity of prompt engineering, and offer predictive analytics to help organizations allocate resources where they will have the greatest impact.

Open Paws also leverages free cloud computing credits to cover the majority of model training costs. This allows us to ensure that more funding remains focused on direct animal advocacy efforts and that resources are used effectively.

Additionally, Open Paws provides free personalized consulting and training services to highly impactful organizations, helping them overcome barriers like technical expertise and budget constraints. This support allows these groups to maximize their advocacy efforts and achieve measurable results.

By focusing on building tools that minimize proprietary costs and providing open, free resources, Open Paws ensures that more funding in the movement remains directed towards direct animal advocacy efforts. Our collaborative approach strengthens the entire ecosystem for animal protection, making advocacy organizations more efficient, effective, and impactful.

Is Open Paws' focus on anti-speciesism sufficiently intersectional to address the concerns of marginalized groups in animal advocacy, or will it overlook these complexities and reinforce existing hierarchies?

Open Paws understands that intersectionality is essential in animal advocacy and incorporates diverse perspectives into its work to create inclusive tools that represent the broad spectrum of voices within the community.

Our training strategy focuses on building a comprehensive understanding of various cultural contexts. We plan to train our models using an expansive, open-source database filled with diverse content, aiming to capture the nuances of different cultural perspectives. By partnering with advocates from marginalized groups, we will curate training datasets that reflect unique cultural experiences and social challenges, ensuring that our AI models are sensitive to these issues.

We have also designed our human feedback mechanisms to assess not only the impact of our AI responses on animals but also their cultural sensitivity. Human reviewers will provide detailed assessments to help us fine-tune our models, ensuring that the AI tools are aware of and considerate of the concerns of marginalized communities. This will enable Open Paws' models to deliver accurate, compassionate, and culturally respectful recommendations that align with diverse ethical experiences and perspectives.

We also provide personalized consulting and training services to diverse organizations, guiding them through technical and financial barriers to empower their advocacy efforts. This ensures their unique voices are amplified within the movement and represented in the tools we develop.

Furthermore, Open Paws ensures that intersectionality isn’t just theoretical but is a lived principle within our organization. We actively recruit team members from varied backgrounds, invest in ongoing education on intersectionality, and create space for voices from traditionally underrepresented communities to be heard. All of this is with the aim of not only avoiding reinforcement of existing hierarchies but actively working to dismantle them within our sphere of influence.

By intentionally incorporating intersectionality into every aspect of our AI development process, Open Paws aims to empower marginalized communities while fostering a more inclusive movement that advances animal advocacy for all.

Does Open Paws have a solid strategy for supporting grassroots animal advocacy movements, or will its tools primarily benefit larger organizations with substantial resources?

Open Paws is firmly dedicated to empowering grassroots animal advocacy movements by providing scalable, customizable AI solutions. Our tools are intentionally designed to be modular, allowing smaller organizations with limited resources to easily adapt and implement them according to their specific needs. This modularity ensures that grassroots groups can access powerful AI technologies without significant technical barriers or the need for extensive customization.

Moreover, we plan to offer a range of free training resources, including video tutorials, to guide grassroots organizations through the technical aspects of deploying our tools. This tailored support enables smaller groups to overcome common challenges like limited technical expertise, budget constraints, and prompt engineering complexities, making advanced AI technologies accessible to everyone.

In addition to our modular tools and training resources, Open Paws will provide a comprehensive, open-source database that grassroots organizations can leverage to enhance their advocacy strategies. This database allows them to access and contribute valuable data, helping them uncover new insights, collaborate more effectively, and bolster their impact.

Our commitment to grassroots advocacy is further strengthened by our collaborative, open-source approach, which actively involves these organizations in the design and development of our tools. By seeking their input, we ensure our solutions align with their priorities and challenges, creating a supportive and inclusive ecosystem for animal advocacy.

Through these efforts, Open Paws ensures that even the smallest organizations can harness the transformative potential of AI, ultimately strengthening their advocacy campaigns and amplifying their voices within the movement.

How will Open Paws balance the strategic priorities of radical and moderate animal advocacy groups, or will its AI solutions be skewed towards one approach, alienating the other?

Open Paws employs a flexible approach that allows our tools to be tailored to the strategic priorities of both radical and moderate groups. Our AI models are designed to offer customizable reward functions and settings, empowering advocacy groups to adapt the technology to their specific missions and methods. This flexibility ensures that different segments of the movement can align the tools with their unique goals and priorities.

Furthermore, we rely on a comprehensive, open-source database that captures diverse perspectives and strategies across the advocacy spectrum. This inclusive dataset allows our models to consider and address varying viewpoints, providing balanced recommendations that cater to both radical and moderate approaches. By grounding our solutions in this database, Open Paws ensures that the outputs remain relevant and applicable to all groups within the movement.

We also prioritize active engagement with both moderate and radical advocates throughout our design and testing phases. By seeking continuous feedback from stakeholders across the spectrum, we refine our tools to align with the practical needs of each group. This collaborative process helps us navigate the challenges of balancing different priorities while preventing the alienation of any segment of the community.

Ultimately, Open Paws is committed to fostering a unified, effective movement. By offering customizable solutions that address the specific needs of diverse groups, we empower both radical and moderate advocates to find value in our tools, ensuring broad-based support and minimizing the risk of exclusion.

Unintended Consequences

How will Open Paws handle data security and ethical concerns, especially given the sensitive nature of some animal advocacy activities? Will activists who engage in controversial or underground tactics be at risk of exposure through data breaches?

Open Paws recognizes the sensitive nature of some animal advocacy activities and is committed to protecting data security while ensuring activists have access to powerful AI tools. In addition to providing open-source models that can be locally hosted without an internet connection, we offer secure options for private data sharing, allowing advocates to train models without publicly releasing their information.

Key features include:

  1. Local Hosting: Our AI models can be locally hosted, ensuring data remains within an organization's secure environment and is protected from external threats. This offline usage also ensures that tools can be used discreetly and intraceably.

  2. Private Data Sharing: While our open-source database is central to our approach, we recognize that some organizations prefer privacy. Advocates can securely share data for model training purposes without releasing it to the public. This allows them to benefit from model improvements while maintaining control over sensitive information.

  3. Custom Security: Local hosting and private sharing allow organizations to implement their own security measures, providing tailored protections that suit their specific needs and reducing potential vulnerabilities.

By providing these options, Open Paws empowers organizations to securely and effectively harness AI while maintaining privacy. Activists can use our tools with confidence, knowing that their sensitive data remains protected.

Is there a risk that the open-sourced pro-animals AI could inadvertently empower animal agriculture groups to create an even more sophisticated anti-animals AI?

Open-sourcing our AI models actually reduces the risk of adversaries creating anti-animal AI. Our models inherently incorporate ethical principles and anti-speciesist frameworks, fostering alignment with animal advocacy goals. The transparency of our architecture and training data allows us to ensure that any attempts to subvert or misuse the technology can be readily identified and counteracted.

Further safeguards include:

  1. Ethical Grounding: Our models are trained on a massive, open-source database that reflects animal-friendly values. By embedding anti-speciesist principles directly into the models, we create a foundation that discourages misuse.

  2. Community Oversight: The open-source nature of our work enables a broad community of developers and advocates to monitor usage, review changes, and provide valuable insights. This collective oversight helps detect and respond to any attempts to exploit the technology.

  3. Collaborative Development: We collaborate closely with advocacy organizations, ensuring that our tools align with their values and meet rigorous ethical standards. This collaboration strengthens our ability to identify misuse quickly and adapt as needed.

  4. Modular Design: Our modular tools allow for specific applications to be isolated and improved independently, enabling advocates to tailor models to their own needs while reducing risks.

Ultimately, the transparency and collaborative spirit of Open Paws ensure that our tools empower animal advocates while providing built-in defenses against potential exploitation by adversarial groups.


In this comprehensive post, we've addressed a wide range of concerns raised about Open Paws, demonstrating our dedication to strategic planning, technical excellence, and community collaboration. By transparently confronting each argument and clarifying our approach, we hope to dispel any misunderstandings whilst building trust in our mission.

However, we recognize that every project of this scale will naturally evoke additional questions and concerns that may not have been covered here. At Open Paws, we genuinely value all forms of feedback, understanding that it is through these exchanges that we grow stronger and more aligned with the needs of the animal advocacy community. We encourage you to reach out with any further insights or challenges so we can continue refining our efforts.

Together, we'll harness the power of AI to bring about a compassionate, ethical, and inclusive future for all sentient beings.


Report on the Use of AI in Animal Advocacy


Literature review on developing artificial intelligence to advocate for animal rights