Research & Reports

Sam Tucker Sam Tucker

Report on the Use of AI in Animal Advocacy

This report analyzes the findings from a survey that Open Paws conducted amongst animal advocacy organizations to understand their current use of artificial intelligence (AI), the challenges they face, and their attitudes toward integrating AI into their advocacy efforts.

The survey received responses from 194 participants representing 142 organizations, providing a comprehensive view of AI’s potential and barriers in the animal advocacy movement.

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Sam Tucker Sam Tucker

Every Argument Against Open Paws (And Our Response)

This blog post dives into every argument that we’ve either heard or thought about ourselves against Open Paws, addressing concerns about its strategic approach, technical viability, adaptability, and the potential unintended consequences of its AI solutions.

By directly responding to each criticism, we aim to shed light on how our interventions are strategically designed to address the pressing needs of the animal advocacy movement while remaining flexible, transparent, and ethically aligned.

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Sam Tucker Sam Tucker

Literature review on developing artificial intelligence to advocate for animal rights

The field of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) is rapidly evolving, presenting both opportunities and challenges for organizations like Open Paws that aim to leverage these technologies for animal advocacy.

This literature review explores the latest research and techniques that can be harnessed to develop an AI system uniquely aligned with advancing the interests of animals.

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